5G Revolution: What to Expect and How it Will Impact Our Digital Lives

5G Revolution: What to Expect and How it Will Impact Our Digital Lives

Quite simply, unlike the current wireless technologies, 5G balances the need for speed and reduced latency much better. On average, 4G latency rates can be around 200 milliseconds, whereas with 5G, latency can go down to just 1 millisecond – 250 times faster than humans can react to optical stimuli.

These peak data rates and network scale are delivered in 5G by expanding into new spectrum like mmWave. Continue reading to see how 5G will revolutionise our digital life.


The main draw for 5G is not higher speeds per se – although it will definitely have faster throughput than 4G – but lower latency, or the reduction in the upload or download time between the transmitter and receiver. This makes it especially suitable for applications such as autonomous vehicles, telemedicine and virtual or augmented reality.

Once this becomes available, your doctor can finally chat with you over a clear video link, or a surgeon can do precision work while you are thousands of miles away, or machines in a factory can talk to each other across lines and eliminate delays in production. Farmers, meanwhile, can use sensors to track soil conditions, growth in plants and so on.

And business will benefit: uploading a large media file might have taken 10 minutes via 4G but will take just seconds with a 5G network, setup will take less time, and the network will accommodate orders of magnitude more devices than with earlier generations of technology – all leading to enhanced business productivity and employee mobility.


Gaming is a term used for electronic games that people play for fun or competition.These are games that can be played on gaming consoles, computers or mobile devices Playing games has become a highly common hobby played by almost 3.32 billion people all around the world.This has lead to changes in entertainment, technology and social interaction too.As well as playing for fun people have also started to play professional esports events which are professional competitions within this medium.

This anticipated boost in 5G gaming will make user experiences far superior to today’s: downloads will be sped up, latency will be lowered, and edge computing services will use all the available capacity for gaming services, as well as for other use cases and applications that incorporate the added capacity – from smart homes that offer energy-saving suggestions to city traffic lights that change their colours based on traffic flows – the implications for applications and use cases will be transformative, utilising all of 5G’s benefits of high reliability, speed improvements and IoT capabilities – and a whole new, hyper-connected world unfolds in front of us!Waranga did not flub the best part of 5G!


Wireless networks have been getting faster with each generation. Now, 5G is expected to push those speeds even higher, topping out at up to 10 Gbps – which would make your average 4G LTE connection feel downright sluggish.

This will have multiple benefits for users, from gamers to smart home devices. For gaming, such heavy-lifting processes can be moved from central data centres to edge computing servers, as a step to implementing higher performance mobile games and reduced battery strain on device batteries.

5G connectivity brings improvements to the IoT in three areas: ubiquity, speed and low latency. With ubiquity, Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be able to communicate in real time to add further functionality, such as remote monitoring and control, thanks to this new connectivity standard.

It will allow services such as home energy efficiency recommendations and traffic light changes with regard to congestion and demand; more and more health care applications connected to each other, including high-definition video calls with distant surgeons performing operations – no longer limited by physical human reaction times!


Cars IoT devices that demand fast speeds and low latencies will benefit from 5G. Connected cars, for instance, may interact rapidly with other automobiles and the satellite network holding their GPS routes, as well as road sensors while travelling down the road.

It will be enabled by 5G technology. In addition to making cell phones faster, it’s gigabit-class mobile connectivity will make other game-changing applications such as connected cars a reality.

It can make money, for instance, by giving consumers feedback on how to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, or by offering entertainment on long drives, or by giving driver assistance, such as lane departure warnings or air-quality sensors (and by selling data to even more companies) or by offering well-being services such as breathing exercises while travelling, or by offering driver assistance such as lane-departure warnings and air quality sensors.
